Styx Coal Project - Open cut mine - mine model development, dump planning and scheduling. Prepare information required for EA approval. Client - Waratah Coal
Raspadskaya – Open Cut Coal Mine in Russia and included the total spectrum from pit optimisation, margin ranking, basal seam selection, mine model development, dump planning and scheduling. Client – EVRAZ
Minerva Open Cut Coal Mine – Monthly forecast and development of dozer push in a pit. Client - Sojitz
Competent Persons report for an Open Cut Coal mine - Western Australia
Expert Opinion Report – Provided the client with an Expert Technical Opinion report pertaining to an Underground Coal mine in NSW for an investment. Client - Confidential
Expert Opinion Report – Provided the client with an Expert Technical Opinion report pertaining to an Open Cut Coal mine in QLD for a hostile takeover bid. Client - Confidential
Foxleigh Open Cut - Margin ranking and basal seam selection.
Rehabilitation work for an Open Cut coal mine – Development of a dozer push and volume balance for pit rehabilitation proposal in Western Australia. Client - Mine Site Construction Services
Bounty Cook Colliery – Development of a 5-Year Mine Plan for an Underground Coal mine.
Technical review of a Mine Plan conducted – Open Cut coal mine in Qld. Clients were Macmahon and QCoal
Technical assistance for and Underground Coal mine in QLD. Client Anglo American Metallurgical Coal.
Defence force Shoalwater bay - Aerial surveying of corrugated roads and provided the client with Orthomosaic photos and Digital terrain models. Client Wood and Grieve Engineers
Nickel Refinery - Aerial surveying of Tailings dam and provided the client with Orthomosaic photos and Digital terrain model for volume calculations. Client - Waratah Coal
Defence force Canungra - Aerial surveying of corrugated and bitumen roads, and provided the client with Orthomosaic photos and Digital terrain models. Client - Wood and Grieve Engineers
Defence force Canungra - Aerial surveying of Asset protection zones - Wood and Grieve Engineers